Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hot Glasses?

Ok, I wanna start this post saying I LOVE wearing sunglasses, but what the hell is wrong with the creator of this... stuff?. I don't understand the mechanic of this. I MEAN YOU CAN BARELY SEE WITH THIS 'GLASSES' (I already tried them in Bonaire island and they were a HUGE no no). I Know Mr. Kanye West (someone I respect a lot) spread this hole trend when he released the 'Stonger' music video, and he looked really cool with it, but i just can't understand why could someone wear some awkward, uncomfortable, vision-blocker glasses. It's ridiculous.

I know some of you may think 'Hey wtf Josh, I do what I want, i love this glasses cuz are the cool thing right now, cuz they're fun.. bla bla bla'.. But the question is: 'Are you using it because YOU REALLY LIKE THEM OR BECUZ ITS THE NEW HOT THING?.. Think twice before you wear them again.
This is just my opinion. =)


Anonymous said...

hahah ok en MIS TIEMPOS losa sunglasses eran para que el sol no te molestara en los ojos? hahah ahora ni se les puede decir asi? no tapan ningun soool.
Cuando fui a sacar mi ced llego un man con unos blancos puestos
yo diske
wtf man?
se veia bn...estupeeeed xD

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with u, is another stupid invention of the human race! Jajaja

Karencilla said...

you are right josh!

Amy said...

Argh I agree. People at my school wear them all the time, I tried them once, I don't know how anyone can see anything!

Anonymous said...

cha io vi unos lentes así n el mall n stos días... esa vaina parece como una perciana awe... si se los compran cha man q t regalen el "blinblin" na mas pa q empiencn a "detonar"... wtf