Tuesday, December 1, 2009


This is something that i'm sure has happened to every each of you.. It's your birthday or christmas and your lovely aunt gives u a present.. and you just don't like it but have to pretend you do to not hurt her feelings haha.. and you just say "OMG AUNT MARY.. I JUST LOVE THIS.. THANKS!".. but deep inside you're like "Who the fuckin hell would wear this Red with Orange sweater" xD

This is so typical with parents, too. That's why my parents decided to stop giving me presents because our tastes are very different so they decided to give me money so i can buy the things i like :)

Share your best anecdotes about this topic!
25 days for Chritsmas :)


Monica Rios said...

Ya no me pasa esto, por que siempre pido dinero o algun regalo en especial
pero en mis tiempos cuando jugaba con barbies, algun familiar (o anormal) me regalaba las barbies pirateadas del chocho y el campeon, y siempre ponia mi mejor cara disq " ehh q...linda! ehh gracias tia/abuela/tio/"
Al final lo odiaba, pero que mal gusto tienen, saben perfectamente que me gustan las barbies y me regalan a Sofy, deag. Igual sucedia con la ropa, me regalaban unos intentos de pantalones y sueters old fashioned, y al final quedaba regalando a cualquiera que necesitara, hasta que un dia me resigne y les dije, ey regalenme plata.

Unknown said...

that only happened to me once... at school... we were all doing secret santa and a girl who i'd never talked with was the one that bought me something... and it was a scarf... a very very tiny one! and at the time i hated scarves... but of course I put a happy face and said thanks :)

Saadi said...

Well being a Muslim, I don't celebrate Xmas! Bt i DO hav birthdays...and it happens to be tmrw!!

I'll be back with how many times I hd to do a poker face!!

Best of luck with ur finals! :)