Saturday, December 19, 2009


When a movie leave me with lots of thoughts and even.. make me dream about it, is because it's officially one of the best fuckin movies ever. I only had this feelings after watching Titanic and Lord Of The Rings 3. I can say that AVATAR is one of the best movies ever, not only for the epicness of its topic, but because it made me laugh, cry, get mad and even analyze the whole situation.

You may think this is only a great movie based on the amazing special effects, but NO.. That's not the only reason AVATAR is amazing. This movie reflects the stupid dirty behaviour we all have with our planet Earth, it reflects another culture aswell and how we must respect them, too. Many of us think so many bad stuff about natives, such as: "Oh, they're so ignorants and stupid.. I mean the goverment is giving them a better life, better place to live and they wanna stay in their jungle".. But c'mon people.. it's not only a jungle, it's their HOME.

Pandora (the fictious location) is an amazing whole new world, fulfilled with fantasy and amazing colors.. i wanna live there hahaha. I love tha acting, love the script, love the effects, love the score & soundtrack, love everything!
That's why i give this movie 5 STARS.. and not only that, but the recognition of my FAVORITE MOVIE OF THE YEAR.

U deff can't miss this epic movie.


Saadi said...

OMG!! U've seen it already?!

Damn! I'm so jealous!!

They have yet to show case it here...I'm desperately waiting! :(

I know it's gonna be crazy awesome!

Oh yea....good review!

P.S. My word verification states 'Horny Pea' = L.O.L!

Unknown said...

i was going to watch it Thursday... but no time... no money (saving for the laptop i didn't buy). But you made me want to watch it!

Michi said...

PUTA, si te gusto tanto asi I DEFFFFFFF must go and see it!!! I waaannnnaaaa see it :D

Daniela López Aguilar said...

JOsh.. amé la película con loca pasión y ME GUSTÓ MÁS QUE NEW MOON la vi el 17 en 3D y me dejó sin palabras, Pandora es el lugar de los sueños de un biólogo, qué imaginación la de James C! Yo también soñé con la película en la noche!!! Soñé con Jake Sully!! Ayer estábamos discutiendo con mis primas que a mí los Na'vi no me parecen feos, ya quisiéramos nosotros ser como ellos, tener una conexión así con la naturaleza y los animales. La película deja un muy lindo mensaje ecologista y anti-imperialista. Es hora de pellizcarse y ver que lo que muestra la película es nuestra cochina realidad, nos creemos con el poder de destruir la naturaleza porque "no worries eso crece de nuevo!" y tratar de conquistar a otros países y despojarlos de su cultura.

OJalá el mensaje sea tomado en cuenta y la película gane muchos Oscar.

Nadia Hearts Music said...

Wow, I gotta see it then.

melissa said...

I loved it..! from beginning to ending =). All the messages and the landscape were wonderful..! and the music was very nice too!
i wanna goo to pandoraaa