Friday, December 18, 2009


There was a boy.. well almost a man. He was 19th years old and all his life he dreamed with having a dog. He thought a dog would help him being less lonely because he was the only son for 9 long years. He needed another type of company because his parents were working all day long and his only and precious pal was his grandma (R.I.P. nowadays). His mom always told him that there was no hope for a dog because he suffered from asthma so the dog's body hair wouldn't help him to recover from his eternal disease.

Then his sister was born. A beautiful doll was beside him now.. he felt like a King after winning what it seems to be an impossible battle. The years passed by and the beloved siblings grew up, still with no dog. Suddenly, it seems like a normal day of november when the grown up boy received a call from a friend, she told him: "Hey, i just found three precious puppies dazed in the beach.. would you like to adopt one, i can't have them all!".. The grown up boy didn't know what he was doing but he took the car and drove to his friend's house and took the white puppy. The little puppy was ill-treated, it was a girl.. a beautiful little girl. He took her home and his parents were shocked but they understood the seriousness of the issue.. the puppy was very ill and very battered, so they decided to keep him in "temporal" custody.

In less than a month and a half the puppy grew up a lot. She became a healthy little proud dog haha and she became my precious baby and daughter. Yes, MY daughter.. Her name is Tequila. God always had this plan for me.. I don't have asthma anymore and i'm capable of taking care of a dog, along with my sister off course (which doesn't do much though).. I feel more mature now because i'm responsible of her life and i'm thankful for this opportunity. And remember...



ana kriz said...

1 2 y 3 ke romantikooo :D I LOVE UR STORY ..
IM NOT A BIG FAN OF ANIMALS .. pero te puedo entenderr porke es algo ke kisite toaa tu vidaa ..
Enjoy your daughter !!
Te amooo Joshh !!

Unknown said...

i can't have hairy animals... asthma and other respiratory conditions. However every doctor says that a dog is less harmful than a cat's fur. Still only 1 pet... a turtle :) Hehe.

You're story is so cute!!

btw... about Kelly Clarkson... My December was even more of a failure than this one. I really like All I Ever Wanted :)

Nadia Hearts Music said...

Aw congratulations! What a cute doggy.

Saadi said...

Awww....that's so sweet!! Bt I'm curious...why the name 'Tequila'?


Touching story, man!!

Glad to kno u finally get ur dawg!!

Daniela López Aguilar said...

Qué linda tu historia Josh!! Yo siempre también quise un perro... pero tuve una mala experiencia con uno y desarrollé cierta fobia...ahora ya los puedo tocar, pero aún me dan un poco de miedo :(

melissa said...

Awwww, Yeii Im happy que at the end you have a puppy =),recuerdo yo el dia que compramos a danny,it was awesome, nada mas que chuzooo danny al comienzo se parece a la movie disque marley y yo jaajja. por lo malportado que era pero con el paso del tiempo ya danny esta potty train y todo jejeje. Tequila looks so cuteee, like a shampurrado wtf xd.