Friday, August 21, 2009

Tight Sweaters BUT Big Belly!

First.. I wanna start saying I'm so fuckin happy cuz i finished my fucking finals and i'm on my small vacations!! I need some serious sleeps and party nights haha! There's something you MUST-NOT wear being a fat person (NO OFFENSE, I LOVE FAT PEOPLE). I think it looks inappropiate and hideous this whole extra-pounds-show. COVER IT!!! It looks cheap and obscene.. We should know what to wear according to our body type.. I hope you don't missunderstand me becuse I'm not dissing fat people AT ALL!.


patsy* said...

WAO! en vdd mori de la risa btw tampoco tengo nada en contra de los gordos normal..solo q vistanse y tapense eso q les sobra normal =)
luv u joshi!

Unknown said...

and you might say that to those women out there that aren't fat but insist on wearing things on a lower size just to put on their minds they're a particular size number. And then they suck in their bellys to get into some pants and then we see the extra fat hanging out, squeezing... that doesn't look good. it's better to use a bigger size than to squeeze into a smaller one and look bad!!!

Daniela López Aguilar said...

grooooooosss! everytime i see someone like this on the streets i yell LOOOOOOOOOOBAAAAAA AUUUUUU, o UY GUISA!! JAJAJAJ

Unknown said...

Brutus I agree better wearing larger cloths and I know it was not a question but just to reply on your statement some female may not have other clothes or may not understand that they gained waite they dont see it and dont feel different they need people to pull them to the side and tell them

Unknown said...

She had a nice body but how she put on makes her lose sence