Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Some Impertinent People...

Some people just need to shut the fuck up. It's nothing personal but that buggs me A LOT. I hate when a friend that's currently having a great relationship with his/her partner comes to me and tell me every detail of their love life and how wonderful their time is.. I'm happy for them but the truth is I DON'T GIVE A FUCK HOW GREAT HE/SHE KISS OR FUCK! It's something you shoudln't tell a friend of yours thats single for a while and is kinda love-afraid hahahaha.. you should back off sometimes people and think before act.
:) Just FYI! Have a nice day haha!


JVII said...

some people should just stfu! this is a very familiar post to me, I kinda relate to it, you might know why.=)

best regards.


Unknown said...

Jajajaja es cierto xD a mi me pasa igual, casi siempre he estado soltero y siempre me alegro de que las cosas vayan bien, pero tampoco me interesan los detalles xD
un saludo!! ^^

Daniela López Aguilar said...

Oye sí.. que porquería cuando a uno le toca tocar el violín cuando está con los amigos y aún peor cuando le empiezar a contar a uno sus "aventuras" y lo único que uno quuiere es decirles SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!