Friday, July 17, 2009

MY REVIEW: Breaking Dawn

FINALLY, I just finished reading the last book of the popular Twilight Saga, BREAKING DAWN. I should start saying that this book has been my favorite along with ‘Twilight'. In 2nd place ‘New Moon’ and 3rd place ‘Eclipse’.

Stephenie Meyer knows how to entertain me. Breaking Dawn is LONG but is full of SURPRISES aswell. It took me almost a month to finish it because of college-business. Its unbelievable how many changes occurs here and I CAN TRULY say that I adore Jacob’s presence in the book (For the ones who don’t know, the book is divided in 3 sub-books narrated by Bella, Jacob, Bella respectively.)
Breaking Dawn mixes lots of unexpected shocking & OMG moments, hilarious statements (mostly from Jacob) and lots of mixed feelings. I loved the entrance of new hot characters that makes the story more interesting. The book’s cover reflects in so many ways the book’s story, you just have to be a good interpreter. It’s all about Semiotics.

I would give you some spoilers/keywords that would fit the book: Wedding, Honeymoon, Brazil, Parenthood, Pain, Independence, Betrayal, War, Joy and Forever.
I think the end was absolutely marvelous and I HOPE Stephenie leaves it there. Please Stephanie, don’t even try to make a 5th book about the saga because it would ruin the story…
Anyway, if you liked Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse.. YOU BETTER READ BREAKING DAWN. I’m giving this book the best grade: 5 STARS, because it deserves it.


Daniela López Aguilar said...

Same here!! aunque a mí me gustó más Eclipse que Luna NUeva! Me encanto tu review JOsh! TQM

Michi said...

omg omg omg...MOG! espero que si es asi como dices, que ni se le ocurra convertir twilight en tiempo de HP....!!!!!

Unknown said...

hey.... I just don't agree with you in 1 thing.... She MUST continue the saga. There's still many things she can take on. i don't want this to be the end :(